Katmai and Brown Bears – SOLD OUT

AUGUST 10 – 17, 2024 $8,195.00

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Come experience the wildness of Katmai National Park in Alaska. Our trip will begin in the fishing town of Kodiak, where we will meet and fly on a floatplane across the Shelikof Strait. As we cross the Strait there is a chance of seeing Orca or humpback whales. The huge glacial peaks of Katmai will greet us as we approach the bay where our 95’ motor yacht, our home for the next week, awaits us. On Le Canard you will have all the comforts of home, including wonderful meals.

Each day we will spend our time observing and photographing brown bears. Katmai is a location where you can sit and watch bears living their lives without humans bothering them. You will feel the joy and honor of being in this special place, deep in the wilderness. Be prepared to make more images than you ever have before. At any one moment we may have at least 15 bears in our sight. We will also locate and photograph other birds and sea life.

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